Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Conversation with Ambassador Nikki R. Haley

As ideological fault lines in the United States continue to shift, supporters of socialist policies have grown louder and more emboldened by far-Left politicians. On February 26, 2020 Ambassador Nikki R. Haley delivered remarks on why capitalism remains the best economic system ever created, and then engaged in a dialogue with Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Peter Rough.
Ambassador Haley is the former U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations and was a member of President Trump’s Cabinet and National Security Council. While at the U.N., she called out some of the world’s most corrupt regimes and human rights violators, led efforts to place the strongest set of sanctions on North Korea ever adopted by the Security Council, and worked with member states to secure needed institutional reforms that saved more than $1.3 billion. Prior to serving in President Trump’s administration, she was governor of South Carolina.
Since leaving the administration, Ambassador Haley launched Stand for America, an organization that has become a leading voice for promoting public policies that strengthen America’s economy, culture, and national security.....


TambiƩn puede verse:, by John Lee

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