Thursday, March 2, 2017

Gustavo Coronel: Intervention in Venezuela: coming soon to a theater near you

Gustavo Coronel

The Senate of the United States demands the application of the Inter American Democratic Charter to the Maduro regime. President Macri of Argentina says that a solution to the Venezuelan tragedy cannot wait any longer.  Peru’s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski speaks strongly against the Venezuelan regime. OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro has intensified his criticism of the Venezuelan dictatorship. The new U.S. President has received the wife of Leopoldo Lopez, the top leader of the Venezuelan opposition, who is in prison.

Tom Shannon keeps silent.

Venezuelan political leaders sanctioned by the U.S. now include the vice president Tareck El Aissami, who claims to lack financial means but can pay for a $150,000 full page ad in the New York Times to try to refute the U.S. allegations. Some of the main political leaders of the Venezuelan regime have already been fingered as criminals by the U.S. authorities: Maduro as a dictator, his family as drug traffickers, Diosdado Cabello has been identified as a drug lord by the U.S. press, El Aissami has been sanctioned by the department of Justice as a money launderer and drug kingpin, and Reverol, the Minister of the Interior, as a drug trafficker.

It seems clear that an intervention of the Venezuelan dictatorship is in the works. European parliaments are showing clear support of the move. Few, if any, world leaders still talk of a “dialogue” as a solution to the Venezuelan political and social tragedy.

Action by the OAS can be expected any moment now. It would seem that enough support for this move has finally been obtained due to the change in posture by the United States. The death of Fidel Castro seems to have broken the spell that Cuba exerted over the region and, even, over the United States Department of State. ALBA is getting noticeably weaker due to lack of Venezuelan money.

The time for a regional intervention of the Venezuelan regime has come. This intervention will not be military but political and economic. The Venezuelan regime will be isolated in the region and sanctions will be applied.

Russia and China will remain, for a short while, as allies of Maduro but they also realize that the writing for chavismo is on the wall.  China will choose not to risk her links to the U.S. to protect a dead regime. In the context of U.S.-Russia relationships the Venezuelan regime is very expendable.

Intervention in Venezuela: coming soon to a theater near you. 

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